The good version of not giving a fuck

Not giving a fuck is feeling bothered but then not giving a fuck about that.

good version:

For example someone could hear your music or singing but that doesn’t change that you can still do it. And you know it’s like the most normal way you could do something.

It’s actually not so easy to say what I mean. I was listening to music and I noticed it was louder than I thought it would be, so to speak. I was enjoying it, if enjoying is the right word. So, then I noticed that it is louder. Which isn’t a problem ,surely, but it made me realize that a neighbour could actually hear it and that thought distracted me from the experience. But then I felt, whatever, because I can still do it. Like the thing is 100 %ed by me, just like when you would be visable by people living across the yard, who could look in your window. Like you could still enjoy or do that thing. And the thing is, by doing it like that, it is the most possible natural or least weird way, so you know you’re good. While mainly it was just this feeling of that I could keep doing it like that.