Women testing for strength/neediness

This is such a misunderstanding. The girl is pulling away to test how you respond to that pressure which is a natural need for her to find someone strong. But the guy might actually feel like she is leaving for real or doesn’t like him anymore. And you know..she isn’t testing how the guy responds to her leaving forever.

It’s literally just a pure wait. Until there is green light. She is literally testing how good you are at waiting…

And you know, if you are lost in that movie, it won’t do it if you feel like ok I’m gonna not call her/write her, but then when she gets back in touch, that built up excitement shows and gonna give her a wrong confirmation. Because this excitement is not at all giving her any of the information she was looking for.

And anyway why would it not be true that it has to be a fucking drama/misunderstanding when the feelings are so intense? What else but that would it be? But okay that is still of drama.

I mean it’s no issue if you know that. Then you just let her and like wait like at the traffic lights. Let her do her test you know 🙂 Just let her do it even though it has no point.

meaning of “kind of”

We often just mean to say that. We fully mean it. That has absolutely nothing to do with what it would be if you would not say “kind of” (actually it does, see another post).

For example “That would also be kind of a point” means it is no actual point. What it really is..Idk but it’s not a point, that’s all I care to know and say. Because it is not a fucking point (I got it now). I would just mean to seperate it from being understood as a point. It doesn’t mean that it is downplayed to know what it is. It DOESN’T MATTER 🙂 (to know what it is when it is not a point, but it matters in itself surely. We (humans) are doing a fallacy there. 2 different things. What you would be saying matters. What it was when it is not a point…doesn’t matter 🙂

Like how often do people say “It doesn’t matter!” It’s kind of funny you know. Cause they mean something else than it appears (to be what they mean) Because there is relief in these things. It might feel like shit but you would still be laughing relievedly. I’m just saying. Doesn’t have anything to do with feelings not mattering if there was not such a relief 😦

Confidence in Feeling

My socks have holes atm. About more than half of them. As for the example, it was the situation that made me feel inspired about it so I just put it as it was.

I got out of the shower, it was cold. I quickly wanted to grab underwear and then spontaneously also went for some socks. I recalled that already a day earlier I had trouble finding some with no holes. I grabbed one sock. It was four singles ones as for the one’s I considered. I took a second one and wanted to check it but my feel was it’s good. (while I obviously might still want to see it just cause I wanna if I wanted to)

Here is why:

I had not felt like I can pick 2 with no holes if that wasn’t possible. Also because if every sock had a hole I had already felt like that, but I didn’t, hence I felt there are 2 good ones. And given that I went with my feel I had to get the one that was alright. It wouldn’t made any sense to feel that confident and then have one with a hole.

It doesn’t fucking matter you know, I’m just saying. 🙂

Meaning of words (1): insecure, courageous, confidence

Every now and then I come across some interesting relations with words that I’m just gonna write about here.

So here is the chunk of words that came up when translating a Russian word:

cocky, confident, assertive, bold, presumptuous, cocksure, perky, opinionated, bumptious, overweening, nervy, positive, pragmatic, dogmatic, reliant, sure of oneself, self-confident, self-assured, self-sufficient

It obviously has flipsides. But maybe we often don’t see it the right way.

For example nervy means: nervous, uncalm, insecure but also bold, jumpy and courageous. And it is interesting because when you are confident you are sure and therefore calm. It is about a connection within. But when you are not confident you might be uncalm but it is very close to courageous cause if you were confident you wouldn’t need to be courageous. In this sense insecure seems very different from the usual way it gets looked at. I mean sometimes the connection is not very good but you still feel something is right even though you feel all the other things that come from doubts. In a way if you have a good intuition you wouldn’t even need courage. Sometimes it is possible to feel how doubts feel that just are never true.

Misunderstandings often clear up by themselves

It feels like the need or the trying to clear something up is often only cause of the belief that it would be the way. Because we don’t know that if we just stay on our page it will clear up by itself. By the lack of the other and by it in itself. Not that it really matters, it’s like inclusive.